Food Recalls


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Food recalls happen every day. Most of them do not affect the food that Second Harvest distributes, but many do affect our region. As of June 10th, 2016 partner charities will no longer receive general recall notices via email from Second Harvest.


We encourage everyone who needs recall information to sign up for Food Safety Recall Updates.

Just follow these few steps for notifications:

  • Log on
  • Click on the food tab at the top.
  • Click on the "Sign up for Free Recall Updates by E-mail" (in red toward the top of page)
  • Enter your email address and confirm.
  • Check the box titled Updated.


When a recall has been issued on any product, Second Harvest receives a notification. Second Harvest thoroughly reviews all specifications to determine whether the recalled product is on our inventory list, or if it has been distributed throughout our service area.

If it is determined that a recalled item is in our warehouse, Second Harvest immediately places any remaining product on hold to prevent further ordering. Recalled items will be pulled from all existing orders if they are still in our warehouse.

Partner charities will be notified immediately when recalls are issued, and a member from the Program and Member Services team will contact each partner charity that received any recalled product. Partner charities should take immediate action when they receive an email from the Program and Member Services team with this header:

Food Recall eBlast header

When a recall is issued please check your inventory for the following:

  • Name of manufacturer and/or brand name
  • Packaging Size
  • Serial and/or Lot numbers
  • Location/area of applicable recall
  • Any special instructions for the disposal or the return of recalled items

If your partner charity receives recalled items, please take the following action:

  • Check donations for the applicable product.
  • Dispose of any remaining product; if product is from Second Harvest, quarantine the product and wait for additional instructions from Second Harvest.
  • Promptly and efficiently provide food recall or advisory information to any of your clients who may have received some of the recalled products.
  • Provide Second Harvest with the proper course of action taken by your agency