The Partner Charity Advocacy Page is full of resources to engage our network in the fight against hunger. Every voice, every vote matters to ensure that our community members remain supported through federal and state nutrition programs.
Sign up to be a Second Harvest Hunger Champion to receive Action Alerts to make an occasional call or send an occasional email to your elected officials when we need to make an issue impacting hungry Ohioans a priority.
Sign up for Action Alerts HERE!
Each individual and organization that Second Harvest partners with through our work has a unique perspective on the issues of food insecurity at the professional level, and some have personal histories that tie us to this work. Let's elevate the voices we serve and work towards fair and equitable policies that help end hunger in our communities. Use this toolkit to spread the word on your social media channels.
Contact your local elected officials and educate them about hunger in our community. Ask them to take action on legislation affecting hunger issues. Find contact information for the community you serve:
Senate Fact Sheets:
House Fact Sheets
Find Your Representative:
Some helpful articles, links, and infographics:
February 28th Advocacy Meeting:
January 15th Advocacy Meeting:
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