Summer Mobile Food Distributions

Summer Mobile Food Distributions

Families who are struggling to make ends meet already rely on the school system's free/reduced meal programs to provide healthy and nutritious food for their kids when school is in session. But what about when school is not in session; including weekends, holiday breaks, and summer? Where do families turn during those trying times? That was part of the thought process we went through when piloting our School Pantry Program.

Schools are at the center of many activities in the community, so it only makes sense to work with schools to provide food to children and their families right at the school. During the 2018/2019 school year, Second Harvest piloted the three School Pantry Programs at Lorain City Schools, Clearview Local Schools, and Midview School District.

Second Harvest is excited to announce, due to the School Pantry Program's success, that we will are continuing our partnerships with all three school districts throughout the summer months. If you know of someone struggling with hunger, please share our upcoming Summer Mobile Food Distributions located under the Find Help section on our website!